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Footer Pages / Policies

Privacy Policy

We collect aggregate information on website traffic; for example, what pages consumers access or visit.

This statistical information we collect is used for internal review and to improve the content of our website. It is not shared with any other organizations for commercial purposes. We do not set any cookies. We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.

If you supply us with your postal address or email address, you will only receive the information for which you provided us your postal address or email address.

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. The Gardiner Museum only collects Personal Information that you submit voluntarily when you provide your name, address, and any other contact information you choose to provide, on the “CONTACT US”, “E-NEWS SIGNUP” and ECOMMERCE portions of the Site. Such Personal Information is collected for the sole purpose of adding your name and contact information to The Gardiner Museum mailing list in order to provide you with publications, promotions, updates and invitations to upcoming Gardiner Museum events that may be of interest to you. By providing The Gardiner Museum with Personal Information on these portions of the Site, you consent to the collection and use of such information in accordance with this privacy statement. The Gardiner Museum does not disclose any Personal Information to any third parties, except as required by law. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should continue to check our website periodically.

Please let us know of any questions or concerns via email.

Customer Service Accessibility Policy

Policy Statement

The George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art (“the Gardiner Museum” or “the Museum”) is Canada’s only museum dedicated to ceramic art and, as such, plays an important role in the local, national and international communities. The Museum is committed to providing everyone with access to its collections and programs, and to maintaining its role as a national and international ceramics expert. An important part of this commitment is for the Museum to meet its obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the “Act”) and the United Nations Rights of Indigenous Peoples (“UNDRIP”) through the Canadian Museum Association’s Move to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Canadian Museums “Standards for Museums”.


The Access Policy (“policy” or “the policy”) has been developed to guide the Museum in mounting programs that are vital community activities and that ensure the widest possible spectrum of people is able to enjoy use of the Museum’s public facilities and the creativity of clay. It will guide the Museum in establishing practices and procedures in order to meet its obligations under the Act, specifically Regulation 191/11 Integrated Accessibility Standards Part IV.2 Customer Service Standards.


The policy applies to all staff and volunteers responsible for designing and implementing programming and education, and delivering visitor services at the Gardiner Museum. The policy will take an approach that is proactive and has roots in values of inclusion and anti-racism supported by regular accessibility assessments; ongoing professional, community and rights holder consultation; and mechanisms for training, financial resources, and technological advancement that improve accessibility.

Physical Access

The Gardiner Museum endorses the Act and the regulations passed pursuant to the Act.


The Gardiner Museum will make reasonable efforts to communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. The Gardiner Museum, upon request, will provide or arrange to make documents available in an accessible format or with communication support in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the cost charged to other persons. We will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

Assistive Devices

People with disabilities may use their own personal assistive devices, or those that may by provided by Gardiner Museum while obtaining any goods and services provided on our premises that are open to the public.
A person with a disability may enter any part of our premises that are open to the public with an assistive device, unless not allowed by law. If barriers to the use of an assistive device exist at our premises that are open to the public, these barriers, where reasonably possible, will be removed.

We will ensure that our staff are trained in and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods and services.

Service Animals

We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public except where animals are not allowed by law. Where an animal is not allowed by law, alternate options will be explored to provide the service to the person with a disability. The Gardiner Museum can request a letter authorizing a service animal from a regulated health professional.

Support Persons

A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them at all times while on the Gardiner Museum’s premises. Fees will not be charged for support persons.

A “support person” means, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with access to goods, services, or facilities.

The Gardiner Museum reserves the right to require a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person when on the premises, if a support person is necessary to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability or the health or safety of others on the premises. Prior to requesting the presence of a support person, the Gardiner Museum must first consult with the person with a disability to understand their needs and consider the health and safety implications based on available evidence. The presence of a support may then only be required if there is no other reasonable way to protect the health and safety of the person or of others on the premises. Where the presence of a support person is required, any applicable admission fee or fare must be waived for that person.

Training for Staff

The Gardiner Museum will provide training to all staff, volunteers and third parties who provide goods, services or facilities on our behalf. Training will include a review of the purposes of the Act, the requirements of the customer service standards and instruction about:

  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use assistive devices or require assistance of a service animal or of a support person;
  • What to do if a person with a disability has difficulty accessing the Gardiner Museum’s goods, services or publicly-accessible premises/facilities;
  • How to use equipment or devices available or provided by the Gardiner Museum that may help with the provision of goods, services or facilities to a person with a disability;
  • The Gardiner Museum’s policies, practices and procedures relating to the customer service standard.

Training will be given when changes are made to this policy, or any related practices and procedures.

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

The Gardiner Museum will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to goods, services, or facilities for customers with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, how long the disruption is expected to last, and a description of any alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be placed on the Gardiner Museum’s website, and/or may be posted at the location.

Contacting the Gardiner Museum / Feedback Process

Anyone who wishes to contact the Gardiner Museum to provide feedback on how the Gardiner Museum provides goods, services or facilities to people with disabilities can contact the Gardiner Museum by phone, email, through our website, or in-person. All feedback that comes to the general mail is received by the Visitor Services Coordinator and may be escalated as required to the relevant department managers. We will arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports on request.

Concerns will be acknowledged as soon as possible. Visitors can expect to hear from the Gardiner Museum promptly, either with details on the resolution of the concern or, in more complex cases, on the steps being taken by the Gardiner Museum to resolve the concern.

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Code of Conduct


The Gardiner Museum is a public museum, welcoming of all. The Museum is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and supportive environment in which all members of the public, including visitors, Gardiner Members, participants and guests are treated with respect and dignity. Respectful sharing of spaces, ideas and resources ensures an enriching and enjoyable experience for everyone.  To this end, appropriate personal behaviour, decorum and conduct are required at all times. Activities and/or actions inconsistent with Museum values will not be tolerated. Respect, sensitivity and restraint should always be shown by the public while on Gardiner Museum property and communicating with Gardiner staff and volunteers. Members of the public who do not contribute to a safe and welcoming environment for all will be invited to adjust their behaviour. Anyone failing to do so will be asked to leave the Museum premises without refund.


This Policy applies to all members of the public including but not limited to visitors, Gardiner Members, participants, and guests. Clay class, camp, and program participants, and hospitality vendors and guests may be subject to additional conduct requirements specific to the nature of their engagement at the Museum.

Code of Conduct Standards

  • Children of all ages are welcome. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult and attended to at all times.
  • Strollers and front-facing baby carriers only are permitted in all galleries and exhibition spaces, unless otherwise noted.
  • Visitors are required to wear proper attire while on Museum property. Shirts and shoes must be worn.
  • Registered service animals are welcome in the parts of the Museum premises that are open to the public, except where animals are not permitted by law. Service animals should be clearly identified by visual indicators such as a vest or harness. No other animals are permitted.
  • Sketching with pencil in the Permanent Collection Galleries is welcome; however, the use of all other mark-making materials is limited to the studios, or as permitted. Personal sketching stools are not permitted.
  • All backpacks must be checked. Purses, bags larger than 11 x 15 x 5 inches and full size umbrellas are not permitted in the Permanent Collection Galleries or Special Exhibition Hall. Complimentary lockers are located on the ground floor for these items. Collapsible umbrellas are permitted if they are contained in a permissible size bag or purse. Unsecured items are left at the visitor’s own risk.
  • Eating and drinking are not permitted in any of the Museum except in designated areas. Food services are available on the 3rd floor at Clay Restaurant. Upon prior request, school groups may consume bag lunches in a specially designated room located on the ground floor or outdoors in the Plaza seating area.
  • Audible cell phone use should be kept to a minimum and take place outside gallery areas.
  • Bicycles, scooters, tricycles, skateboards, roller/in-line skates are not permitted on Museum property or in the Museum at any time.
  • Visitors are to refrain from shouting, running, pushing and other disruptive behaviour. Individuals exhibiting any such behaviour will be asked to leave the Museum.
  • The Gardiner Museum will not tolerate any offensive or abusive behaviour, threats or acts of harassment or violence, acts of discrimination, racism, microaggressions, oppression, bullying, or hate speech of any kind regardless of, and not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, age, and ability. The Gardiner Museum reserves the right to remove or terminate participation or deny participation to any individual who engages in such conduct, without refund or compensation.
  • Weapons of any kind and any other item deemed dangerous by the Museum or under Canada’s Criminal Code are strictly prohibited.
  • The use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, vapes and cannabis is strictly prohibited in the Museum or on Museum property including its balconies. Visitors and guests in violation may be asked to leave the premises at the sole discretion of Museum Security.
  • The use of tobacco for Indigenous ceremonial purposes is permissible in specific areas of the Museum with special prior arrangement.
  • Alcohol and all non-prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia use and presence are forbidden on Gardiner Museum property. Suspicion of impairment by alcohol or drugs may result in the removal from the Museum.
  • Visitors are not permitted to engage in the following activities on Museum premises: posting or distribution of unauthorized materials, protests, rallies, or third-party sales.
  • To preserve the safeguarding of objects on display, visitors are not permitted to touch or lean on any of the exhibits or displays unless specifically identified as a touchable exhibit or display.
  • Any intentional damage, misuse, vandalism or unauthorized use of Gardiner Museum property or equipment or theft of such property or equipment is prohibited. The Gardiner Museum reserves the right to request reimbursement of repair or replacement expenses caused by such damage and/or take legal action against anyone who commits theft or damage to property or equipment.
  • Photography and video without flash is allowed and encouraged for personal, non-commercial purposes, unless otherwise noted. Signs will be posted wherever such restrictions apply. Live- streaming, tripods and selfie sticks are not permitted.
  • Trespassing, entering, or remaining in or upon Museum premises or property when the Museum is not open to the public, except with the express consent of Museum staff, is strictly prohibited. Any access onto or within any adjacent areas under construction or closed to the general public is also prohibited.
  • Obstructing the use of public areas such as entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, studios, elevators, stairways, roadways, driveways or walkways is not permitted.
  • Tampering with fire- and life-safety devices, such as fire extinguishers or alarm pull stations, is prohibited.
  • Violating the order of or preventing the execution of duties by Museum staff to maintain order and control public access and movement is prohibited. Threatening, resisting, intimidating or intentionally interfering with Museum staff engaged in their official duties is prohibited.

Ticketing Policy

By registering in a Gardiner Museum class, workshop, or program, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:


Registration for classes, workshops, and programs is on a first-come-first-served basis and is limited to space restrictions. Advanced registration is recommended for all programs. Registration is confirmed ONLY upon receipt of payment.

Gardiner Friends may only purchase tickets and classes at the discounted rate for membership card holders, with the exception of kids clay classes and camps.*

Gardiner Friend Registration and Discounts

If you wish to take advantage of your Gardiner Friend discount when registering a child or grandchild for a kids clay class or camp you, as the purchaser, must be a member of the Gardiner Museum. Any child must be registered under their parent or guardian’s Friendship number. If you are not already a Gardiner Friend click here or call 416.408.5075 to join.*

*Discounts on programs and classes do not apply to ‘Get Acquainted’ pass holders.


Programs and prices are subject to change. The Gardiner reserves the right to cancel or reschedule programs. The Museum will issue a full refund if a program is cancelled, or if rescheduling precludes a registrant from participating. All registered participants who give a valid telephone number and/or e-mail will be notified in advance if program is rescheduled or cancelled.

Participant Withdrawal from a Series Course

A non-refundable fee of $50 fee per course ($30 for kids classes) will be charged regardless of the reason for withdrawal. Withdrawal for enrollment in a series course must be received by email to [email protected]. No withdrawals will be accepted regardless of the reason within 10 business days of the program start date. Transfers are only available between sessions taking place during the same season and are subject to availability. There will be no make-up classes offered. Absence from class does not constitute your withdrawal. Please ensure that the course you choose works with your schedule.

Withdrawal from Enrollment in a One or Two-day Class or Workshop

One-day class, two-day classes, and workshops are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Refunds for Lecture, Programs, and Special Events

Tickets to lectures, programs, and special events are final sale and non-refundable.

Refunds for Gardiner Friendships

There are no refunds on purchases of Gardiner Friendships at any level.

Refunds for Special Events (e.g. SMASH)

Tickets to special events are non-refundable.

Outdoor Programs or Classes for Registered Participants

Inclement Weather

In the case of inclement weather, programs and classes will be cancelled 2 hours prior to the start time. Notifications will be sent by email and telephone to registered participants. One make-up class will be offered as compensation for any missed programming due to inclement weather.

General Conditions

  • All participants in outdoor courses must be prepared to spend 2 hours outdoors including being responsible for:
  • Bringing a portable stool if seating is desired/required
  • Finding a washroom if needed
  • Bringing water, sunscreen, and/or other appropriate sun protection
  • Arriving on time at the designated meeting area so the class schedule is not disrupted

Participant Code of Conduct

The Gardiner Museum is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and supportive learning and work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Respectful sharing of spaces, ideas, and resources ensures an enriching and enjoyable experience for everyone.

When purchasing a program or class, by checking the box that acknowledges that you have read the Museum’s Ticket Policy, the participant/guardian agrees to the following:

  • I understand that any disruptive or abusive behavior, threats or acts of harassment or violence, acts of discrimination, racism, microaggressions, oppression, bullying, or hate speech of any kind regardless of, and not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, age, and ability will not be tolerated. The Gardiner Museum reserves the right to remove and terminate the participation or deny participation to any individual who engages in such conduct, without refund or compensation.
  • I understand that intentional damage, misuse or unauthorized use of Gardiner Museum studio equipment, property, or materials or damage or theft is prohibited and will result in termination of participation without refund or compensation. The Gardiner Museum reserves the right to request reimbursement of repair or replacement expenses caused by such damage and/or take legal action against anyone who commits theft, or damage to property.
  • I understand that alcohol, tobacco, and all non-prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia use and presence are forbidden on Gardiner Museum property. Suspicion of impairment by alcohol, tobacco or drugs may result in the removal from the course without refund or compensation.

Liability Waiver

  • I agree that the Gardiner Museum and its respective trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and independent contractors shall not be liable for any injury or illness to my person or any loss or damage to my personal property arising from, or in any way resulting from, my attendance at or participation in the program. I hereby release and indemnify the Gardiner Museum from any claims or damages arising from any such injury, loss, or damage, unless such injury, loss, or damage is caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Gardiner Museum, as applicable, or their respective trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, or independent contractors while acting within the scope of their duties.

Studio Policy

  • Participants must abide by the studio rules, policies, and the Museum’s code of conduct.
  • Students are responsible for cleaning up all work stations used during class. All tables, tools, wheels, glazes, and additional equipment must be cleaned and replaced as directed by the instructor.
  • Participants are expected to follow instructions for safe use of studio materials and equipment shared by Gardiner Museum staff.
  • The nature of clay, glazes, and kilns can result in unexpected outcomes. The Gardiner Museum Museum is not liable for any works damaged or broken in the firing process.
  • Participants are not permitted to take any tools or materials belonging to the Gardiner Museum outside of the studio.
  • Outside pieces and materials will not permitted in class or fired. This includes any clay bodies, glazes, or other materials brought from outside the Museum.
  • The Museum reserves the right to refuse to fire any work not adhering to class and firing guidelines for the safety of the kilns and other equipment. No works brought in from outside the studios will be fired.
  • Any works exceeding 10” in any direction will not be fired. Please use the rulers provided to measure and trim your works accordingly.
  • Sanding is not permitted in the studios.
  • Participants are only allowed into the ceramic studio during their class time, and are not permitted to use the space in the absence of a Gardiner instructor or other staff.
  • Participants are not permitted in the kiln room or pugging area. No exceptions.
  • Participants must label or mark all works. Any unmarked works may not be fired.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in any of the studio spaces.
  • Use of tools and equipment in the class may present risk of injury. Students are to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Closed-toe shoes are recommended. Loose or dangling clothing can be a safety hazard when using the pottery wheel.
  • Use of the pottery wheel may be harmful to a person who has a pacemaker. Serious injury or death could occur.
  • The Museum is not liable for any lost property. Please ensure valuables are kept on your person or left at home.
  • Participants are responsible for picking up their completed works as notified. The Museum is not responsible for any unclaimed works after the notice period.
  • There are no make-up classes, refunds, or credits offered for participant absences.

Additional Policies for Drop-in Classes

  • Only works made during a Drop-In Class will be fired and must be completed by the end of each class. Participants are not permitted to store any works in progress.
  • Our Drop-In Classes use low fire clay and glazes only.
  • All completed works are fired at the same rate, regardless of size.
  • Participants are permitted the use of a maximum of 2.5kg of clay per class.
  • All works made during a Drop-In Class can either be fired or reclaimed. Participants may also choose to take any unfired pieces home, knowing they cannot be safely used.
  • A wheel ticket only permits use of the wheel. A hand building / glazing ticket permits you to build, glaze, or both during the class time.
  • There is no access to underglazes during Drop-In Classes.
  • Participants cannot dip works in clear glazes.

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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.