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Rochelle Handelman: Rabbit 2




Gardiner Friends


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Embroidery on paper. A labour-intensive and precise technique, embroidery-on-paper requires that holes be hand-pricked onto designer paper from a template. The designs are original or adapted from British or Dutch sources. Various embroidery stitches are then applied by hand to the pricked paper using high-end specialty threads & beads. Other designer papers with metallic, velvet, embossed or linen finishes are incorporated at the card-mounting stage to enhance the finished piece. These 5″×7″ cards are made from acid-free materials. A matching envelope is included with each card.

Care & Use: Stationary may be framed.

Material: Paper thread

Measurement (in.): L7.25 W5.25

Weight (oz.): 0.8

SKU: 960234

About The Artist

Rochelle Handelman

Rochelle Handelman is an accomplished, award-winning fibre artist, teacher, and speaker. She has worked in the areas of crewelwork, cross-stitch, canvas work, hardanger, huck embroidery, beadwork, and plastic canvas. In recent years, Rochelle has concentrated on embroidery-on-paper to create frameable pieces of fibre art. In 2012, her Queen’s Diamond Jubilee card was presented to the wife of the British High Commissioner. Born and raised in Toronto, Rochelle has lived in Ottawa for the past forty-four years.

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