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Marie Levine

Marie Levine worked in theatre, radio and television in New York, Toronto and Ottawa. Whether she was producing, directing or promoting other people’s ideas, she used these outlets to release her inner creativity.

Marie’s move back to Ottawa saw her as the National spokesperson for the Canadian Toy Testing Company. As her children took up the next chapter of her life, Marie found part time work managing a local Judaic Gift Shop.

Reviewing the inventory she was struck that most items were manufactured in distant lands, and the designs of these mass-produced items were tired looking. She envisioned the gift shop featuring beautiful and handcrafted inventory. To achieve this goal, Marie started purchasing artisan created Judaica.

After a year of working with a local fused glass artist who made menorahs for Marie’s gift shop, the artist informed her that she wanted to move on and said, “You can make the menorahs!” So on that dark snowy February day Marie’s fused glass menorah making adventure began.

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