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Henderson Dry Goods: Alex Henderson

Henderson Dry Goods is a company founded by Alex Henderson, a Port Moody, British Columbia-based industrial designer and artist. Born in Calgary and raised in Saskatoon, Henderson moved to Vancouver in 2000 and began her post-secondary education in the Fine Arts program at Langara College before entering Emily Carr’s Industrial Design program. In 2008, she established Henderson Dry Goods.

Working from her home studio, Henderson designs and manufactures small home decor items, most notably a line of  popular Christmas ornaments, in small batch runs. Her pieces are playful, nostalgic, and quirky. She draws on a personal iconography that reflects her upbringing on the Canadian prairies and her current surroundings in the awe-inspiring landscapes of British Columbia. Henderson Dry Goods by Alex Henderson is proud to describe their work as “Canadiana.”

Henderson Dry Goods: Gardiner Museum Magnet by Alex Henderson

Henderson Dry Goods: Gardiner Museum Magnet by Alex Henderson

$13.00 $11.70 (Gardiner Friends)
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