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Florence Chik-Lau

Florence Chik-Lau graduated from the Ontario College of Art, working as a graphic designer in Toronto for many years. Clay became her primary artistic medium after relocating to Prince Edward County, Ontario. Since then, Florence’s sculptures have been selected to participate in many prestigious juried shows including Fireworks, McMichael Fall Art Sale, and the Animal Stories Show at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art.

Florence Chik-Lau’s work celebrates the special affinity between human and animal as well as the beauty that exists in all creatures. She strives to capture the character as well as the spirit of my animal subjects while exploring a broad range of universal emotions such as love, friendship, tolerance, loneliness and sadness. Beneath the gentle and beguiling animal exterior, deeper emotions and meaning are hopefully captured in the subject’s gesture and expression.

Florence Chik-Lau uses a very organic process of creating. The element of chance are allowed to influence the posture and the attitude of the finished sculpture. All her work is completely created by hand with slabs of clay and finished with many thin layers of ceramic stains and a touch of clear glaze. They are fired at least twice in a kiln. The surface of the sculpture is sometimes smooth, and sometimes highly textured. Each piece is unique and no two are exactly alike. Some of her recent works are anthropomorphic in nature. Whether they are true to life or hybrid, the animals are always portrayed with warmth, humour and dignity.

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