Catharina Goldnau
Catharina Goldnau explores transitions, juxtaposing traditions, and materials in sculptural work that borders functionality. Born next to the Iron Curtain in Germany, she moved to Canada at the age of 19. After academic studies, four children and a teaching career, Catharina studied ceramics under Linda Sormin and Bruce Cochrane. She is an award-winning graduate with a BA in Craft and Design and a specialty in Ceramics from Sheridan College.
Forming clay by hand complements the intellectual task of manipulating clay and glaze chemistry. Catharina Goldnau is compelled to innovate, exploring non-traditional ways to manipulate clays. Combining alternative materials with clay yields intriguing variations of form and unusual finish. The effects of heat and fire play a pan-ultimate role in altering the piece, creating new forms and surfaces, tearing and splitting in the fire. Resins and textiles may complement sculptural pieces.