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September 9, 2023 @ 4:00 am January 8, 2024 @ 4:59 am

Soaking Wet and On Fire: Ceramics and Painting by Natalka Husar

What’s On / Exhibitions / Soaking Wet and On Fire: Ceramics and Painting by Natalka Husar

September 9, 2023 – January 7, 2024
Lobby. 1st Floor
Included with admission. Free for Gardiner Friends.

This lobby exhibition brings together early ceramics and a recent painting by Toronto-based artist Natalka Husar. Widely celebrated as a painter, few people are aware that Husar began her career with a series of ceramic sculptures. On view for the first time in over 40 years, her irreverent depictions of food, clothing, and care packages explore themes of cultural identity and belonging in the Ukrainian-Canadian diaspora. Seen alongside a recent monumental painting, her ceramics are revealed to be instrumental to her formation as an artist.

Artist Natalka Husar wearing a black turtleneck and leaning her arm on her leg

About the Artist

Natalka Husar

Natalka Husar was born in 1951 in New Jersey to Ukrainian immigrant parents. She graduated from Rutgers University in 1973 and that same year moved to Toronto where she lives and works. Husar has exhibited extensively across Canada, is represented in numerous public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada, and has received support from the Canada Council, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, and SSHRC. Husar’s earliest exhibited works were trompe l’oeile ceramics, but after working as a flight attendant in the early 1980s, she began painting, with subject matter drawn from travel-work experience, and the paradoxes and conflicts of the Ukrainian émigré experience.

Supported By

Raphael Yu Centre of Canadian Ceramics
Installation view of a large painting with wall hung ceramic sculptures around it

Installation view of Soaking Wet and On Fire: Ceramics and Painting by Natalka Husar, 2023, Gardiner Museum. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid

Two ceramic sculptures hung side-by-side, one of a shoe and one of a jacket

Left: Ma! I don’t wanna… / Мамо! я не хочу…, 1977; Right: Closeted Youth / Юність вже в шафі, 1977. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid

Three ceramic wall sculptures of traditional Ukrainian foods

Clockwise from bottom left: Breakfast January 7 / Сніданок 7-го січня, 1977;  TV Dinner Sviat Vechir / Дванадцять страв, 1977; Sometimes, I feel like that at the banquet /А я часами так чуюся на бенкеті, 1977. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid

A ceramic sculpture of a gift box

We’re going to their house on Sunday, but I really don’t know what to bring her; that woman has everything! / Ми йдемо до них у неділю, але я абсолютно не знаю, що їй подарувати; вона все має!, 1977. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid

Exhibition Programs

Artist Natalka Husar wearing a black turtleneck and leaning her arm on her leg

Panel: Soaking Wet and On Fire: Ceramics and Painting by Natalka Husar

November 22, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Discover the stories behind Natalka Husar’s artistic journey and personal cultural tapestry. In addition to the artist, this conversation will feature book contributors Janice Kulyk Keefer and Sarah Milroy, and be moderated by exhibition curator Dr. Sequoia Miller.
Learn more
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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.