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CLAYm Your Centre: Breath, Movement, Presence

In this two-hour workshop, we'll explore clay as a medium for deepening our experience of the present moment. Through a series of hand-building exercises, we'll focus our attention on the dance between breath and clay, awakening to our present moment experience through the senses and finding our centre.

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Materials such as clay beautifully model this quality of pliable flexibility. Mindfully using and observing the suppleness of clay can help train the mind to do the same, that is, to bend, flex, and release. – Lena Franklin, 2017

This workshop is suitable for anyone being introduced to mindfulness for the first time as well as for those with previous experience. It’s an invitation to befriend who you are now, in this moment, at this time, through the medium of clay. Mindfulness is about learning to pay attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and compassion.

In this two-hour workshop, we’ll explore clay as a medium for deepening our experience of the present moment. Through a series of hand-building exercises, we’ll focus our attention on the dance between breath and clay, awakening to our present moment experience through the senses and finding our centre.

The emphasis will be on the process of working with clay while not being attached to the product we create.

Gardiner Friends, please log in to access your discount.

Please note: Gardiner Friends may only purchase adult clay classes at the discounted rate for membership card holders.

This class is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Suzanne Thomson

A registered art therapist for over 25 years, Suzanne Thomson integrates mindfulness and sensorimotor psychotherapy to facilitate healing and community engagement.

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Suzanne Thomson
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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.