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Donate to the Collection

Since opening in 1984, the Gardiner Museum’s collection has continued to grow and flourish, mostly thanks to the generous donations of ceramics from collectors from around the globe.

Collections & Research / Donate to the Collection

Thank you for considering a gift to the Gardiner Museum.

If you think you have a piece or a collection that may be of interest to us, please refer to our Guide to Donations for frequently asked questions and submit the form below.

Museum staff are not able to offer object identifications, financial appraisals, or valuations of objects to the general public. This policy is in accordance with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Code of Ethics for Museums. Please contact The Art Dealers Association of Canada or the Canadian Antique Dealers Association for assistance with your appraisal needs.

If you are considering to donate an object to the Gardiner’s collection, please contact Christina MacDonald, Collections Manager:


Collection Donation Form

The Gardiner Museum is happy to consider proposed donations of ceramic objects for its collection. We will also accept related books and non-ceramic materials. To find out if your objects are suitable for our collection, please complete and submit the form below. We will review your offer as quickly as we can, but please be advised it may take several weeks to receive a response. To learn more about the donation process and your options for donation, please consult the Guide to Donations.

Please do not send or drop off the materials you wish to donate until you have heard from a museum representative.

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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.