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Ancient Americas / Andean



The Andean region includes the modern countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. Most of the cultures represented in the Gardiner Museum’s collection come from the Pacific coastal areas or highland regions of these countries. All of the Andean pieces date from about 5500 to 500 years ago.

Some of the cultures represented in the Museum’s collection include the Moche, Chimu, Paracas, Nasca, Inka, Jama Coaque, Wari, and Manteño.

The Andean objects in the Museum’s collection were given by George and Helen Gardiner as part of their original donation.

Other Collections in Ancient Americas

1. Parrot Effigy Bottle with Double Chambers (detail), Salinar Culture, Peru, North Coast, Late Early Horizon 500-300 BCE, Gift of George and Helen Gardiner, G83.1.159

2. Parrot Effigy Bottle with Double Chambers (detail), Salinar Culture, Peru, North Coast, Late Early Horizon 500-300 BCE, Gift of George and Helen Gardiner, G83.1.159

3. Escavada Black on White Bowl (detail), Ancestral Pueblo Culture, Southern Colorado Plateau, USA, 950-1300, Gift of Ulli and Carol Rath on behalf of the Rath family, G14.10.4

4. Tetrapod Jaguar Effigy Vessel with Rattle Supports (detail), Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Nicoya Zone, Late Period VI 1200-1400, Gift of George and Helen Gardiner, G83.1.147. Photographer: Melissa Shimmerman

5. Plate with Hieroglyphic Text (detail), Maya Culture, Guatemala, Uaxactun area, early late classsic period, 550-650, Gift of George and Helen Gardiner, G83.1.120. Photographer: Toni Hafkenscheid

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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.