November 4, 2024 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Monday November 4, 2024
5:30 pm
We’re celebrating 30 years of Empty Bowls, our annual fundraiser held in support of Anishnawbe Health Foundation (AHF), an Indigenous foundation committed to enacting positive change through traditional and Western healthcare practices. Their mission is to “improve, support, and promote the health, well-being, and healing of Indigenous people in spirit, mind, emotion, and body within a multi-disciplinary health care model.”
Select a handcrafted ceramic bowl, donated by a local potter, and sample a selection of delicious soups prepared by top local chefs, accompanied by fresh cornbread donated by Fred’s Bread. Take your bowl home at the end of the evening as a keepsake.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone whose contributions make this event possible, including the chefs, potters, volunteers, and attendees.
General : $85
Important Information
Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis. Ticket holders can line up starting at 4:30 pm. The ticket holder line will begin outside on the Gardiner Plaza. Please dress appropriately for the weather.
The Gardiner Museum does not issue tax receipts for tickets purchased for Empty Bowls. All proceeds are donated directly to Anishnawbe Health Foundation (AHF). Additional donations to Anishnawbe Health Foundation (AHF) can be made through their website.
Participating Chefs and Restaurants
Adam Lafleur, Constantine Restaurant
Bianca Azupardo, Clay Restaurant
Saagar Kathe, CABIN, McMichael Restaurant
Chris Britt, Wiisinidaa
Dacyion Reid, Dacy’s Gourmet Kitchen
Donna Dooher, MILDRED’S Temple Kitchen
Joseph Shawana, DDCX Indigenous Kitchen and Catering
Keith Hoare, Thistletown Collegiate
Lorenzo Loseto, GEORGE Restaurant
Rodney Bowers
Tulio Lessa, Centennial College
We extend our deepest gratitude to Chef Shawana and his family for their generous contribution to this year’s event.
Potters & Guilds
Adam Williams, Andrea Sinclair, Arelene Kushnir, Barb Fisher, Caroline Yu, Carolynn Bloomer, Daphna Lewinshtein, Denise del Mundo, Dominique Nanoff, Fraeya Pinto, Gwen Friedman, Hana Balaban-Pommier, Juana Berenstein, Lana Rayman, Len Dutton, Lucy Wu, Mary McKenzie, Minda Davis, Natasha Martin, Sarah Sawaya, Sequoia Miller, Shayna Stevenson, Susan Card, Studio Lu, Susan Talbot, Talia Silva, Toronto Potters, Valentina Guevara, Venetia Butler, Veronika von Nostitz-Tait, York University
In Partnership With

Bread Donated By